2023 Horoscope Guidance

I don’t want to put a damper on the New Year energy, but 2023 will start with Mars and Mercury in retrograde. So be prepared for a very slow start to your resolutions, no matter what star sign you are. Communication breakdowns will be evident across the festive season along with technology not being friendly. We all know Mercury Retrograde for wreaking havoc on technology and just making things not work out for us, Mars retrograde affects us all no matter the sign alignment, it can make us feel lethargic, tired, and passive.
Despite the slow start to the year, we have a lot of planet movement in 2023 which brings exciting adventures and hard challenges for some signs. Scroll below to see the predications for your sign in 2023.
You are going to feel the sluggish effects of Mars Retrograde at the beginning of this year, don’t let it dampen your spirits and high energy. You will feel back to your usual self soon, this is a strong year for you and if you are positive in situations and focus on the work you will achieve great things.
Career and Finance: The beginning of the year will be slightly confusing for you career wise, but with a good attitude and hard work you will come out on top, you will be rewarded for your efforts. Start thinking about investing your money into high return environments as you will see your biggest yield form these.
Relationships: I don’t like to say “don’t trust your friends” but be careful what you say to people at the beginning of the year. Your words could be misinterpreted and used against you. You will find smoother sailing as the year progresses in your friendships and romantic endeavours.
Health: Your health is going to be off track until August, finding things that calm your mind will work wonders for your overall health.
Best Months: September and October.
You are going to experience a lot of change this year, which is very exciting for you because you normally don’t do well with change. Your inner travel bug will start to run throughout your body, and you will feel called to jet away on a new adventure.
Career and Finance: The start of the year will begin well for you, during the middle of the year you might see some financial stress arise but with hard work, dedication, and a good budget you will come out on top of your financial goals. Keep an eye on your finances throughout the year don’t let them slip, career is looking very positive, and you’ll surprise and delight yourself in this area.
Relationships: The first half of the year is looking great for you in all areas especially romance and sex. In the second half you might experience a slight shift and a breakdown of communication.
Health: Your health will be fine in the first half, but you might see a decline in the second half of the year.
Best Months: February and October
You’ve spent a lot of time healing your inner self, mind, and body. Some healing you might not even be aware of. But as you start to venture out you will realise how much you missed your friends and family and how much of an impact you had on them all. You are going to reconnect with old friends and find comfort in those relationships.
Career and Finance: You are going to have a really good year, luck will be in your favour, finances will improve, and work will feel really aligned to who you are. You won’t see many large financial hardships but just keep an eye on your goals.
Relationships: As old flames rekindle and new sparks fly you will be spoilt for choice in the romance department, with a focus on family you will find love in the most uncommon places, if you are in a relationship you’ll connect deeper with your partner.
Health: Again, this year is a good one for you, you might have some health hiccups at the start of the year but, generally speaking, there is nothing large that will arise. Small issues might linger.
Best months: February, March, April, and November
This year is all about your work and career. Your career is going to be on the rise, it’s time your hard work and dedication is rewarded – with more hard work and dedication. Be sure to find time for your family, because the harder you work and the more successful you are the more work will eat into your life.
Career and Finance: Such a great year for you, you will find financial gains and receive promotions. You might encounter a few bumps in the road but a positive and quick to action attitude will dissolve them.
Relationships: Your busy workload can take a toll on any relationships in your life if you do not put in the work. Be sure to prioritise those you love and be kind to them.
Health: With so much happening you might forget to get check-ups, these are important don’t miss them.
Best months: November and December
Changes are coming in all aspects of your life, don’t be afraid of them even if you didn’t picture your life turning out this way. Lean into the different approach and you’ll be rewarded.
Career and Finance: You’ll receive numerous opportunities this year and completely wipe the competition out of the water, be sure not to bite the hand that feeds you or insult your boss. Do not invest after October.
Relationships: Romance will spice up or return in the second half of the year, your relationship with family members will also get better as the year goes on. The first half of the year will be dry with romance but might include some casual sex, nothing mind blowing.
Health: Start to take an active approach to your health or you might face issues.
Best months: June and December.
This year is all about setting boundaries to ensure what you give to others is what you receive back. Your love life will be in full swing, and you will experience deep connections.
Career and Finance: You will experience some financial hardship this year, keep on top of your budget and do not overspend. You might see an inheritance or large sum of money drop into your account towards the end of the year.
Relationships: When creating boundaries, you will have some relationships impacted, the ones who take from you and give nothing in return will push back and be offended. Assess what you want in your life and don’t settle for less.
Health: Health of others is going to be a concern, be calm and don’t let it eat you alive.
Best months: February and March
You are going to be surrounded by more love than ever before, and this is a comforting feeling. Be cautious of who you allow into your life as not everyone will want to be in it for the love you give. Set boundaries and ensure you stick to them. You’ll be feeling so ignited by this thriving social life that the small things this year won’t matter as much.
Career and finance: You will be faced with lots of decisions this year for your career and finance and not one choice you make will negatively affect your situation, besides no choice at all. Be sure to act swiftly and take control.
Relationships: Your relationships are going to be full of laughter and delight, if you are with a partner, you’ll find more romance than ever and if you are single, you will enjoy the little commitment you need for your lovers.
Health: You will see a shift in your mindset and start to take your health more seriously.
Best months: November and December.
You will have a rough start to 2023, feeling a shift in your routine will have an impact on your personal life, you might feel moodier than normal and take out your frustration on others. Speak up in situations where you don’t have much power but don’t take too much control.
Career and finance: You will achieve great success via your own efforts, you will be rewarded and recognised for these efforts.
Relationships: Be careful in the second half of the year and try not to upset your family members. You will enjoy good relationships this year, not life changing or mind-blowing ones, just good ones.
Health: You might feel anxious, and sleep deprived but relax and stay calm, you will enjoy good general health this year.
Best months: October and November
Doubt is going to be your biggest obstacle this year. You have so much you can achieve but you always put doubt into your own mind. This is the year to break down your own walls and ignite your creative flair. Think optimistically and action what you’ve been dreaming of if you don’t do it this year you might never. Fortune favours the brave.
Career and Finance: You will find great success in your career this year if you follow your gut. Be careful not to overspend once you are feeling confident and aligned.
Relationships: You will have really great relationships with your friends and build on old friendships more. You will set your boundaries with lovers, and it will take you on a path to your soulmate.
Health: Ulcers are going to wreak havoc on your health but act upon them fast and focus on eating healthy and exercising.
Best months: May to October
It’s time to connect with your inner self, ignite a passion for life again. On the outside you’ve got it made, success is coming in strong and financially you are stable. But are you happy? Look inside to find out what you are missing and needing this year and focus your energy on healing your inner child. Remember how special life felt before you became overly responsible and ultimately afraid.
Career and finance: Don’t do anything severe to your career or income this year, focus that energy back into yourself. You will be rewarded financially for finding your spark.
Relationships: You will have a great time with friends and siblings as you bring your spark back but be careful what you say as sometimes your words can sting.
Health: Health will be average, be sure to go to regular check-ups, sleep extra when you need it and focus on eating healthy and looking after yourself.
Best months: November and December
There will be no more hiding for you, you will be able to set yourself free and allow who you are on the inside to shine brightly on the outside. You might run into a few small bumps in the road from overly controlling people not happy with your newfound lifestyle change. But are they worth changing your happiness for?
Career and Finance: The start of the year fares well for you financially. Don’t let it get to your head though. Be sure to have savings goals and budgets. The end of the year sees some financial hardship arising
Relationships: You’ll enjoy great relationships at the start of the year but see some bumps in the road in the middle of the year only to smooth out at the end.
Health: Your eyes will cause issues this year.
Best months: May and September
This year is all about coming back down to Earth and grounding your energy. You’ll set yourself up for the future by creating some boundaries and saying no to trips and events. You’ll feel the most in control of your life than ever before and truly relish in that aspect.
Career and Finance: You’ll do well in your career, there is nothing exciting happening as you focus your energy on grounding, you’ll push that creative spark to the back burner for now. Financially you’ll struggle at the end of the year from a little budget burnout and start to splurge. Don’t waste your hard work.
Relationships: You’ll feel a bit exhausted from your relationships at the beginning of the year but spending time alone will change things and reignite passions towards the end of the year.
Health: Health might require attention for the whole year, insomnia is going to play a part in this. Try holistic alternatives.
Best months: May and September