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Welcome to your cosmic forecast for April! Brace yourself for a celestial rollercoaster ride as Mercury retrograde and a total eclipse set the stage for a month of profound shifts and opportunities. From Aries to Pisces, the planetary alignments promise insights and growth for every zodiac sign. Get ready to harness the power of the stars and unlock your full potential as we dive into personalized horoscope guidance tailored to your sign. Let's navigate the cosmic currents together and embrace the transformative energy of the universe
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Lunar Eclipse | How To Understand An Eclipse
Are you ready for a celestial spectacle? On April 8th, 2024, get ready to witness ...
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Why Major News Outlets Work With Myles Gray
Are you wondering why Myles Gray is making headlines? It's simple, we are the best at what we do. Our passion for creating incredible products with a wellness effect is unmatched.
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Pair Your Candle to Your Horoscope!
Find the perfect product for you in this during one of the years largest energy shifts! Be prepared and create a sanctuary in your home with the right products!
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2023 Horoscope Guidance
I don’t want to put a damper on the New Year energy, but 2023 will start with Mars and Mercury in...
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The Best Crystals To Keep In Your Bedroom
There are so many crystals out there, it can be overwhelming trying to find the one to best suit...
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TheOils | Understanding Our New Range
Take a look at our newest range, TheOils and understand which product would be best for you in your life.
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Horoscope Info | Birth Stones Vs Birth Crystals, What's the Difference?
As a lover of all things zodiac, I feel the need to know every aspect about my sign. What are my ...
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New Moon Horoscope Guidance
The New Moon coming March 2nd is a special one, this blog goes into detail about why and how to harness this special energy. It also gives a horoscope guide for you during this new moon energy.
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Angel Numbers | What Are They?
You've seen them everywhere, your phone hit's 11:11 and it's time to make a wish. But do you know...
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Mercury Retrograde | What is it?
We've all heard the phrase "uhh Mercury must be in Retrograde" but what on earth (or Mercury) do...
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Eadie Bloom Wormald | We Remember
With the launch of our newest candle "Eadie Bloom" we wanted to share the incredible strength and...
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Manifesting 101
Manifesting is one of the best ways to live a life full of intent. It works similar to the law o...
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Healing After Emotional Trauma
Since losing my dad in 2018 I have connected with so many incredible people who have experienced ...
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The Power Of Positivity | Growth Mindset
Ever wondered what a growth mindset is? How to get one and what to do with all the new found positive thinking? We answer all here.
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Mental Health Matters
An interview with Erin Peavey, Clinical Psychology Registrar.
We all struggle with mental health...
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The Power Of Positivity | Replacing Key Words
Having a positive outlook on life is something I highly recommend. Not only will it allow you to ...
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The Power Of Positivity | Creating Rituals That Work
Ever wondered how to create rituals using fragrance? Want your children to understand what bed time actually means? We explore our personal rituals around bedtime and explain the benefit this can have on your children.
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The Power Of Positivity | Manifesting Your Dream Life
A guide to manifesting your dream life. Short quick tips to fill you will guidance and clarity around a topic that can sometimes seem confusing or overwhelming.
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The Power of Positivity | Working From Home Around Children
Working from home in itself can be a challenge sometimes, but add kids to the mix and you are in ...
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The Power of Positivity | Overcoming Fear
Learning how to overcome fear or anxiety towards a situation can be really difficult and it is im...
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The Power of Positivity | How to be happy
Happiness is something we are all striving to achieve, but it is hard. We compare our lives to others and focus on materialistic things to bring us joy rather than the people around us. We talk through some techniques you can use everyday to increase your state of happiness and hopefully improve your life.
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Candle Facts | Why do we infused our candles with crystals?
This is a question we get asked daily, and we love it! It is so important for us to create a comm...
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Candle Facts | Is your candle emitting harmful chemicals?
Do you know what your candle is made of? What are you burning in your home? Is it polluting the air and emitting harmful cancer causing chemicals? This blog will help you navigate the confusing world of candles and ensure you are informed of the potential dangers some ingredients can create.
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Crystal Healing | 6 essential crystals to calm your baby
Join us as we explore 6 essential crystals to include in your child's life. Whether you are looking to settle your baby, help with teething or assist your child in social situations, we have the answers you have been seeking.
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The Power of Positivity | How small changes in your mindset can shift your entire life.
If you are on the hunt for happiness, or want to improve your life with small changes then you are in the right place. We talk about 5 easy key ways to shift your mindset and increase your happiness.
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Crystal Healing | How crystals really work and why you need them in your home.
We talk all things energy, from humans to plants. This blog will begin our journey into the realm of crystal healing and start to help us navigate and enjoy our #goodvibes.
If you've ever had a 'gut-feeling' you need to read this blog.